Rogue one soundtrack jeddah movie#
Aside from that, as far as storytelling goes, the movie is very clumsy, going from one scene to next with no connecting threads or imaginative way to link the set pieces together. In a movie in which the main themes are heroism, villainy and the clash between two opposite forces representing antagonist ideals, it is impossible for me to get involved with characters this flat, uninteresting and with no sort of interaction amongst themselves. The worst problem it has is characterization. I find it amazing so many people like and even love this movie. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Only for its send-off experience, but the movie as a whole as a story, and as an experience is all about the ending and not so much about it's foundation. But outside of it's final lap, Rogue One doesn't really have that appeal or rewatchable quality to it you'd think it'd easily have. Including an escape sequence involving an iconic character, that's made to shock your nerves. Rogue One goes out like some beautifully tragic pre-movie to a video game, in the most epic fashion imaginable. But once our characters begin to set out on the mission of their lives, the gears amp up and so does the emotion. It's intentions are good, it's build-up is strong, but the movie lacks focus or coherence for the first hour or so. But as a movie all its own, as the Star Wars Story it's meant to be, it does fall a tad short on what could've been a very interesting solo Star Wars tale. But as a movie all its own, as the Star Wars Story it's meant to be, it does fall a tad short on Rogue One is better off and more relative in being a 30-minute intro-setup movie for A New Hope and the rest of the original 3 Star Wars movies. Rogue One is better off and more relative in being a 30-minute intro-setup movie for A New Hope and the rest of the original 3 Star Wars movies. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story gets a 6 out of 10. I don’t see there being any replay value either. Lacking any suspense that the previous Star Wars excelled at, this is a fun, decent ride with incredible effects but it is a very disappointing installment to the Star Wars franchise. There isn’t really much else for me to say about the rest of the movie apart from the last act, which is a long if not too long action sequence, and although VERY entertaining and brilliantly directed, it has endless cliches and does get repetitive after awhile.
Rogue one soundtrack jeddah series#
The first act of the movie is quite messy, and feels like a series of loosely tied together scenes, jumping from location to location too quick and repetitively. This wouldn’t have been as much of a complaint if the rest of the characters were more interesting, but it still would’ve been a stupid choice. Director Orson Krennic is an extremely weak villain and doesn’t even compare to Darth Vader, who was only in TWO SCENES. Likeable, funny, but that’s about it - They lack any depth, background, or proper development, and we aren’t given any reason to care for them. Which brings me to my biggest gripe - The characters.

The editing can be a little choppy at times though, but that isn’t anywhere near as distracting as the CGI version of Grand Moff Tarkin, as well as some other CGI characters. Very well shot but also very imperfectly shot, this film looks flat-out gorgeous. With almost documentary-like camerawork, this is the most handheld Star Wars film by far, offering a more grounded and realistic feel, but the dialogue can feel cheesy and cliche at times.

With almost documentary-like camerawork, this is the most handheld Star Wars film by far, offering a more grounded and realistic feel, but the dialogue can feel cheesy and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is about as flawed as it is entertaining. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is about as flawed as it is entertaining.